The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him,” ... and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man.”(Gen. 2:18, 21-24)
Marriage is all about finding your soul mate with whom you can share all your emotions and from whom you can expect similar care, support and love, which together takes you to the level of mutual understanding, thereby maintaining social stability and redemption of moral values.
Marriages are made in Heaven,
then to live on Earth, is not Even.
Heaven and Earth - have never been the same,
And then we united to make that prevail.
Years of efforts did bestow on us,
the secret spell to the heavenly dale.
Now we say that those are same,
but only when those moments frame
- The right man with the right woman.
At one of the inspiring public discussions held in Ernakulam early in the nineties, Mr George Kadankavil, a former employee of the Indian Air Force, hit upon a novel idea of providing Commission-free Matrimonial Services. The idea eventually led to the establishment of Bethlehem Matrimonial, thanks to the capital investment of prayers, and the enormous faith and trust of Kerala Christians and other well-wishers. His vision was to root out the practice of commission brokerage which turned the concept of dowry into a business transaction. It soon got noticed, drawing all-round appreciation and public support.
Although Mr George Kadankavil started off with limited resources - a small office at Ernakulam with a small databank of candidates, he had a lot of confidence and courage. Guided by the Divine Grace, he moved on, turning Bethlehem Matrimonial into a reliable platform and throwing up success stories one after another. His limited databank slowly grew big, leading to the establishment of a highly user friendly online matrimonial service.
Mr George also began to think about ways and means to make his mission more effective and beneficial. One of his initiatives was ‘Vaivahika Sangamam’, a meet-up organised for the candidates and their parents. It was also an open forum for people to interact and discuss their views about pre-marriage procedure and post-marriage conflicts. Vaivahika Sangamam paved the way for detailed discussions on various sensitive issues related to marriage and family. Comprehensive services were made available in the form of pre-marriage counselling, post-marriage counselling, family counselling and other family development programmes.
Mr George also worked to promote the life status of Single Women who have not been able to get right alliances. Since our social customs demand that a life status be chosen by everyone, Mr George took the lead to conduct meetings and training programmes for single women. This eventually led to the formation of ASWAS (Association of Single Women for Action and Self Help), which now runs a Shelter for Abandoned Women.
Four units of ASWAS are active in Kochi with all of them together organising a meeting at ASWAS Kendra on every Second Saturday to share their concerns. That apart, the 2nd of February every year is celebrated as the Single Women Day. With all these efforts, ASWAS has been able to bring back many women from dangerous life situations.
Although the term Matrimonial has now become synonymous with a massive marriage service industry, involving even big corporate enterprises, the feedback from thousands of successful Kerala Christian families along with their wishes and prayers makes Bethlehem Matrimonial a unique place for Kerala Christians to find their life partners. Bethlehem Matrimonial is grateful to the Almighty for making it a place where thousands of new families take shape.
Call us on:
+91 9249392534, 7306999539, 6235454817
+91 9747493248
George Kadankavil: 92493 92518
(For Urgent Assistance OR Redressal of Grievances; Call or Send SMS to 92493 92518 Any time.)
[email protected]
Bethlehem Center For Research And Family Development,
Behind St. Antony's Church, Kaloor, Kochi - 682 017